日本精神神経学会理事長 佐藤光源
同精神医療と法委員会欠格条項担当委員 来住由樹
(1) イギリス
If you have a medical condition which has
become worse since your licence was issued
or you develop a new medical condition ,
you must write and inform the Drivers Medical
Unit of the nature of your condition, as
it may affect your fitness to drive. Failure
to do so is a criminal offence punishable
by a fine of up to 1,000
1. Your Health
What does DVLA want to know about?
You must tell us if you had any of these:
*An epileptic event (seizure or fit)
*Sudden attacks or disabling giddiness, fainting
or blackouts
*Severe mental handicap
*A pacemaker, defibrillator or anti-ventricular
tachycardia device fitted
*Diabetes controlled by insulin
*Diabetes controlled by tablets
*Angina (heart pain) while driving
*Parkinson's disease
*Any other chronic neurological condition
*A serious problem with memory
*A major or minor stroke
*Any type of brain surgery, brain tumour.
Severe head injury involving in-patient
treatment at hospital
*Any severe psychiatric illness or mental
*Continuing/permanent difficulty in the use
of arms or legs which affects your ability
to control a vehicle
*Dependence on or misuse of alcohol, illicit
drugs or chemical substances in the past
3 years (do not include drink/driving offences)
*Any visual disability which affects BOTH
eyes. ( do not declare short/long sight
or colour blindness)
2. Your Eyesight
It is a criminal offence to drive a motor
vehicle if you cannot read a standard number
plate in good daylight from 20.5m (67 feet),
using glasses if necessary. If you need
glasses or contact lenses to do this, you
must wear them every time you drive. There
are additional rules if you want to drive
vehicles over 3.5 tonnes and minibus/buses.
FOR NEW DRIVERS - Your Eyesight Must Be At
*6/9 on the snellen scale in the better eye
and 6/12 on the Snellen scale in the other
eye and (wearing glasses or contact lenses
if you need them)
*3/60 in each eye without glasses or contact
*An optician will be able to tell you about
*Drivers who held a licence before 1 January
1997 who do not meet these standards will
need to check their licensing position with
our Medical Section at DVLA.
3. How Do I Tell DVLA About My Condition?
If you are filling in form D1, you can tell
us about your condition in the health section.
If you already have a licence:
The address to contact is:
Drivers Medical Unit DVLA,Swansea,SA991TU
Give your driver number, or your full name
and date of birth and tell us about the medical
condition in as much detail as possible.
You must tell DVLA if you have any of the
above conditions. Otherwise you are committing
an offence.
4. What Happens When I Tell DVLA
We will send you a medical questionnaire,
unless you are also sending in form D4. It
asks for your permission for our medical
adviser to approach your doctor and specialists,
for reports.
5. Extra Rules For Vehicles Over 3.5 Tonnes
And Minibus/Bus Drivers
There are stricter rules about health for
drivers of larger vehicles. This is because
accidents involving large vehicles are more
likely to result in death or serious injury.
6. Medical Report Form D4
When applying for a first provisional for
lorry or bus entitlement or renewing existing
entitlement, you will need to have a D4 form
completed by your doctor. You also need to
submit a D4 if you are an EC/EEA licence
holder aged 45 or over.As well as those medical
conditions already stated, you also need
to notify DVLA about: any heart condition
or heart operation sight in only one eye
any visual problems affecting either eye
7. Epilepsy
If you want to drive lorries or buses you
must not have a liability to epileptic seizures
i.e. you should not have suffered a fit of
any kind, or required treatment for fits
in the last 10 years.
8. Diabetes (Existing drivers)
Insulin treated diabetics may not drive large
vehicles UNLESS: they held a licence to drive
lorries or buses on 1 April 1991 and the
Traffic Commissioner who issued the licence
or in whose area they lived, was aware of
the insulin treatment before 1 January 1991.
(2) EU諸国
EU諸国では “European Council Directive 91/439/EEC
EC 15カ国中10カ国で標準化された医学的審査が行われており、9カ国で判断困難な事例についての医学専門家へのコンサルテーション制度がある。イギリスのみで運転免許取得者は、罹患疾患について運転免許センター報告義務制度がある。
(3) カナダ
(4) オーストラリア
(5) アメリカ合衆国
(1) てんかん
security の視点に立っても、厳格適用することによる、通院の忌避とのバランスにおいても、慎重な検討が必要である。
(4) 各種薬物中毒
(1) 精神障害者は、精神障害を持つ人の総称である。精神障害については、近年進歩した精神科治療によって、その大半が回復するようになった。回復可能な「精神障害者」をもって絶対欠格とするのは誤りである。
(2) 同様に、精神障害は治療によって回復するので、精神病、てんかん、精神薄弱、各種薬物中毒といった病名だけで運転免許の絶対欠格事由とする事も正しくない。
(3) 回復にある人の運転能力が失われる事はない。重度の急性期症状を示す一時期に運転の能力が損なわれることはあるが、多くは一過性であり、他の身体疾患の急性症状の場合と大差ない。
(4) 精神医療の最終目標は、障害者の社会参加である。今では自動車は社会生活上の必需品となっており、運転免許なくしては社会参加に支障を生じる可能性が高い。
(5) 薬物療法により、運転の支障となる副作用が認められる場合には、自動車の運転は許可されるべきでない。
1) Health and relicensing policies for older
drivers in the European union, White S,
O'Neill D, Gerontology, 46(3),146-52, 2000
2) Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agencyのホームページで公開されている。
3) Determining Medical Fitness to Drive;
A guide for Physicians, Canadian Medical
Association, 2000
4) epilepsy and driving : an international
perspective, Robert S et all, Epilepsia,
35, 675-684, 1994
5) At a Glance, Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency(ホームページより)
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